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Nieuws en Agenda

27 maart 2013 - MCN College Tour

NLDA/KIM/Enys House
Het Nieuwe Diep 8
1781 AC Den Helder


13.30 - 14.00 uur: inloop
14.00 - 15.30 uur: vragen - discussie
15.30 - 17.30 uur: borrel, napraten en netwerken

Oldies en Rookies: leren van oude rotten in het vak!
Een topgast en een zaal met nieuwsgierige studenten, dat is de formule.

Jonge generaties willen snel leren en zich ontwikkelen. Daarbij maken ze ook graag gebruik van kennis en persoonlijke ervaringen van oudere experts in het vakgebied. Jongeren leren van oude rotten in het vak. Decennialange opgebouwde kennis gaat zo niet verloren.

MCN koppelt jonge mensen met ouderen in het vakgebied door het organiseren van bijeenkomsten waarin vragen en de dialoog met een 'Oude Rot' in het vak centraal staat. Nieuwsgierige studenten stellen vragen op het gebied van windenergie. De gast geeft interessante antwoorden.

Gast is Jos Beurskens. Een windpionier van het eerste uur. Hij zit al bijna 40 jaar in het vak en leidde jarenlang de unit Windenergie bij het Nederlands Energieonderzoek Centrum, ECN, in Petten. Jos is wereldberoemd om zijn technische kennis op het gebied van windenergie.

De presentatie en gespreksleiding is  in handen van Chris Westra.

Jos (H.J.M) Beurskens - Short biography

Jos Beurskens headed the Renewable Energy and Wind Energy Units of the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) from 1989 to 2005 and was a scientific advisor at ECN from 2005 to 2012. At present he has his own consultancy. He is the scientific director of the "We@Sea" Foundation, which focuses on offshore wind energy research and transfer of knowledge.

Throughout his career, Mr. Beurskens has been extensively involved with various industry associations involved in renewable energy. He was a founding member of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), on the Board of which he still serves as a member. He was one of the founders of the International Meeting of Test Stations (IMTS), the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) and the European Renewable Energy Centres Agency (EUREC). He has chaired the Executive Committee of the Wind Energy programme of the International Energy Association (IEA) and has been retained as an advisor to the European Commission and several national governments on R&D programmes in the field of wind energy.

He is chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of ForWind (joint wind energy research institute of the universities of Oldenburg, Bremen and Hannover, Germany) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany. Beurskens serves on the Steering Committee of the European Wind Energy Technology Platform and is chairman of WG Wind Power Systems. Jos Beurskens received the honour of Wind Energy Pioneer of the British Wind Energy Association. In 2008 he was awarded with the Poul la Cour’s prize, which was presented to him by Mr. Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Science and Research. In November 2009 Mr. Beurskens received a Honorary Doctor’s Degree at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, for his work on initiating European research in the field of wind energy.



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